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Solution to problematic settlements!

As a result of our many years of development work, we have been present on the domestic market with our Val-Vac TM2 vacuum sewage valves, which was excellent for every test.

During the development, we have developed a valve system that drains communal sewage from the apartments using vacuum. This system is built into places where, due to field conditions, it is not possible to drain waste water through gravity.
The entire vacuum valve is our own design and all molding, bending and punching tools are made in our own tool making workshop.

The production and assembly work is carried out with great care and precision.

We offer a 5 years guarantee for the quality of our valves.
Currently we use our valves in the following settlements: Verpelét, Nick, Mártély, Szentistván, Mezőkeresztes, Alattyán. There are 23 more settlements currently being tested.
The ValVac TM2 complete valve is offered at a price of 600 Euros for settlements with existing vacuum systems.

Our company also deals with the installation and servicing of vacuum valves. We undertake to simultaneously complete the balancing of the valves of operating sewage systems, to increase the efficiency of the system and to reduce the specific energy. We prepare a price calculation after this consultation.
Regulating, of course, we also undertake systems with other types of valves.

Energy Saving / Statements

Most of the vacuum sewage networks operating in Hungary were built between 1994 and 2002.
Over the years, systems and their vacuum valves are aging.
Their renovation is expensive.The parts can be bought periodically in a bundle of unnecessary parts, from abroad and expensive, and therefore, with no financial resources, they are not, or only moderately, at the option.

This also contributes to the fact that most systems operate with a high specific energy consumption (kWh / m3), which was designed to reduce the benefit of a constructive advantage for everyone.

The essence of the construction is that the system is surveyed and adjusted per mine by our specialists FREE, to pay only a percentage of the saving of the energy cost after the adjustment, for a year, quarterly.

Thus, the customer does not have the cost or the risk, because if there is no savings, he does not have to pay for it, but if there is savings, some of it will remain so it can operate the system less cheaply. After one year, you can benefit from the full savings.
If, when assessing the system, it is found that in some locations it would be necessary to replace the valves or their servicing devices, we use the tools provided by the customer.
In the event of a lack of equipment or a permanently low vacuum value, often occurring on awnings, we recommend alternating ValVac2 vacuum valves – a weak vacuum-re-designed version or subassemblies of ours.

They are cheaper and virtually all operators are convinced of their reliability.
In a few shafts we used a hybrid solution where ValVac2 control valve operates the original valve for complete satisfaction.

There are settlements where we have already configured the systems with the following results:

Specific energy

consumption before setup

Specific energy

consumption after setup

Number of valves
Nick 1,507 kWh/m3 0,778 kWh/m3 152
Mártély 1,424 kWh/m3 0,608 kWh/m3 302
Szentistván 1,68 kWh/m3 0,79 kWh/m3 492
Mezőkeresztes 1,26 kWh/m3 0,91 kWh/m3 489
Alattyán 1,742 kWh/m3 0,666 kWh/m3 282
Tiszasüly 1,808 kWh/m3 under construction 141